
One Love For All

Lo ve Has No Lab els "We are all human. It's time to embrace diversity. Let's put aside labels in the name of love." Maybe you’ve seen the images? A white square superimposed over a picture of your friend, mom or coworker, an NFL quarterback, celebrity or news anchor. Inside the box, this phrase: “love has no labels.” This campaign—though “campaign” can’t really capture its essence—is spreading, and fast. The motto is simple, as the most powerful revolutionary thoughts tend to be: “Before anything else, we are human. One love for all.” Personally, I cannot help but think of the opening to Pride & Prejudice, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that…” It seems painfully simple to say that we are human. Obviously, we humans are human. But as Austen goes on to muse about a man wanting a wife, Love Has No Labels turns a microscope on our assumptions. If we are all human, why don’t we act like it? Can We All Just Be Human ? You are accepting of other people, righ